
Showing posts from April, 2021

Benefits of Solar Power

  5 benefits of solar energy to the environment Reduces Air Pollution. Fossil fuels create a lot of pollutants. Reduce Water Usage. If your energy source doesn't use fossil fuels to power itself, it probably uses some sort of water as its resource. Reduces Dependence On Nonrenewable Energy Sources. Improves Humanity's Health In The Long-run. Helps Fight Climate Change. [ 1 ] Why is solar energy good?  Solar Energy Is Good for the Environment. The most commonly known benefits  about solar power is that it produce a clean, green power. Solar energy systems is an alternative way to generate and supply electricity or hot water that is clean, natural and renewable  for home owners and business owners alike. Solar energy  is generated through photovoltaic  or (PV) panels which are  sets of treated silicon cells that are aligned in a string so that electric power is produced when exposed to sunlight. It is possible for a home to be powered 100% through ...

Future Of Solar Energy – Creating Most Efficient Solar Panels

  Why solar energy is known as the energy of future? Solar energy is completely renewable . It eliminates the use of fossil fuels, which are the primary source of greenhouse gases and the leading engine of global warming. The energy emitted by the sun is abundant and available everywhere. Solar is completely sustainable and environmentally friendly in nearly every way.[ 1 ] Wouldn’t it be fun to be the “Man Of Steel” and live here on earth? Being the third planet from the big, bright, yellow sun, this means unlimited source of super-human power – indestructible body; super-human speed and strength; ability to fly and freeze continents with your breath; and a sneeze that’s powerful enough to obliterate an entire solar system! What’s not to like!? Unfortunately, Superman and his fellow Kryptonians will stay as they are colorful, impressive, but fictional characters in DC’s comics. That said, you don’t have to be a Kryptonian to harness the power of the sun! No, it won’t give yo...

What is Solar Hot Water (SHW) technology?

What is a solar water heating system? Simply put, a solar water heating system collects the thermal energy of the sun and uses it to heat water for use by a home or business, rather than using electricity or natural gas. [ 1 ] Active solar Heating technology means using radiation for heating hot water. In this way, the abundant free energy from the sun can be harnessed to meet a large part of the domestic hot water demand, and reduce the consumption of conventional fuels. The use of these fuels is now widely recognized as causing climate change, and pollution. The UK receives a vast amount of solar energy which on average equals 60-65% of the annual amount received on the equator. The available range of high quality products enables householders to make effective use of the sun. Thus, even in spring and autumn, and on clear, but cold winter days, the solar hot water system can prove useful. The principle system omponents are solar collectors, a pre-heat cylinder (optional) pump, cont...

How to choose a spray gun for cars, homes, and furniture?

We tell you which spray gun to choose for painting a car, garage door, house facade, household appliances, and furniture. Why do I need a spray gun? The device applies paint and varnish coatings. You can spray water to moisten concrete and peel off wallpaper, treat plants with fertilizers and pesticides. A separate category — confectionery devices-apply food dyes, creams, and glazes to desserts. Most often, the question arises, how to choose a spray gun for painting walls and ceilings , car, fence and other large surfaces — the mechanized method of painting has more advantages: the performance is 5-25 times higher. 2-3 days of work can be done in an hour and a half; smooth surface without bubbles, lint and streaks-it is important when working with the car and home decor; the paint penetrates more easily into hard-to-reach places — on the back of the radiators, in the joints of the washing machine body or in the hidden cavities of the car; learning to paint is easier — you can master th...

Professional welding of your car body

    Types and advantages   The body of the car is an important part of the vehicle, as well as other components or parts. The housing is in the risk zone, being a buffer in contact with the external environment — the inevitable mechanical impact of surrounding objects, other vehicles and objects in road accidents is guaranteed to lead to breakdowns and violations of the shape of the elements of the parts and the loss of an attractive appearance. Do not forget about the aggressive effects of the environment-moisture, dirt and salt cause corrosion spots and cracks. In all these cases, a car body repair is required. Requirements for welding the car body Welding of the car body is a time-consuming process, whether it is arc, spot or other type of welding. In any case, it requires a high-quality best welding machine for car bodywork and a highly qualified welder — only this combination guarantees a satisfactory result. The lack of proper experience and a good welding machine...